Observing the Sundays of Great Lent

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The Great Fast is upon us! Beginning at sunset on Forgiveness Sunday, we will spend the next seven weeks preparing for Pascha, the Feast of Feasts. With the increased number of services available, each week brings us more opportunities for prayer and repentance. There are also unique services and traditions during each of the weeks that richen the Lenten experience. Here are some resources and activities for the weeks of Great Lent to help you observe the fast in your little church—choose those that will allow your family to deepen their experience of repentance and preparation, and leave the rest. We are not aiming to "do" more, but to add richness to this season!
Lent Preparation & Triodion Resources Dietary Fasting Resources for the Sundays of Lent Holy Week Resources Pascha Resources
Observing the Sundays of Great Lent
Forgiveness Sunday/Clean Week
- Confession and Kite Day from Orthodox Education
- Forgiveness Lesson from Orthodox Catechism Project
Memorial Services
View our resources for Saturday of Souls & Memorial Saturdays here.
Sunday of Orthodoxy
- Sunday of Orthodoxy from Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
- Sunday of Orthodoxy Lesson from Dr. Pat
- Garden of the Theotokos Curriculum (has lessons for each week of Great Lent)
- Sunday of Orthodoxy activities from Orthodox Pebbles
Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas
- Sunday of St. Gregory of Palamas from Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
- St. Gregory Palamas Prayer Rope Craft from Creative Hands
- Sunday of St. Gregory activities from Orthodox Pebbles
Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross
- Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
- Cross Decorating Craft from Creative Hands Creative Minds
- Veneration of the Cross from Orthodox Pebbles
The Annunciation
View our Annunciation resources here.
Sunday of St. John Climacus
- Sunday of St. John Climacus from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
- St. John of the Ladder Lesson from Creative Hands Creative Minds
- Sunday of St. John activities from Orthodox Pebbles
- Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete Worksheet
Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt
- Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
- St. Mary of Egypt for All Ages—a retelling, reprinted by Frederica Mathewes-Green
- St. Mary of Egypt Lesson from Creative Hands Creative Minds
- St. Mary of Egypt Craft (Turn Life Around) from Orthodox Education
- Orthodox Kids Journal Page for St. Mary of Egypt from Orthodox Education
- Life of St. Mary of Egypt Printable from Many Mercies
- Repentance and Temptation from Orthodox Pebbles
Lazarus Saturday, Palm Sunday & Holy Week
View our resources for Holy Week here.