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St. Valentine & St. Cyril

St. Valentine & St. Cyril

Everyone in North America, be they Christian or not, knows two saints days: February 14 is St. Valentine’s Day, and March 17 is St. Patricks Day. These have become popular cultural holidays, the former having become associated with love, fidelity, candy, roses, and little winged Cupids (and the busiest night of the year in restaurants). On the Orthodox Christian calendar, however, you will not find St. Valentine commemorated in February at all. What gives?

Since the Eastern and Western Christian calendars were sundered, changes have slowly but surely crept in—there are even differences between saints days in different parts of the Orthodox world. In Eastern liturgics, we remember St. Valentine in July, and on February 14 we remember the repose of St. Cyril, Enlightener of the Slavs. Not terribly romantic, perhaps, but children are naturally excited about holidays and we like to embrace opportunities to harness their excitement for good. We love a good feast day, after all!

We have gathered some ideas below for some simple activities for Valentines Day (in the hearts-and-candy sense), as well as some suggestions for how to use this as a teaching opportunity in your little church!

Valentine’s Day

St. Cyril

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