St. Panteleimon
On July 27 NS/August 9 OS, we celebrate the Greatmartyr and Healer St. Panteleimon. Beloved around the world for his intercessions on behalf of the faithful (his name means "all-merciful," a moniker he earned through his actions), he is one of the best-known healers among Orthodox saints. Read on for ways to celebrate this wonderful example of virtue in your home.
St. Panteleimon, pray to the Lord for us!
- St. Panteleimon from the Greek Archdiocese of America
- St. Panteleimon and Hymns from the OCA
- Akathist to St. Panteleimon from Orthodox Mom
- Greatmartyr and Healer Panteleimon from Redeeming the Time podcast (audio)
- Saints Who Were Physicians & Healers activity book from the OCA
- St. Panteleimon coloring page
- Hymnody for St. Panteleimon from the Antiochian Archdiocese
- St. Panteleimon (Paterikon for Kids) from Potamitis Publishing