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St. Phanourios

St. Phanourios

On August 27 NS/September 9 OS, we remember St. Phanourios (Fanourios) the Greatmartyr and Newly-Appeared. He was a lost saint, in that his veneration had been forgotten, until his icon was found around 1500. Since that time, Orthodox the world over have sought his help in recovering lost things, or in finding jobs and spouses. Even if you have never heard of St. Phanourios before, start talking to friends and fellow parishioners and you will find out about how beloved and hardworking this saint is—he has worked miracles large and small for more people than you would believe!

We have gathered resources below for observing St. Phanourios's feast day, but his intercessions are sought throughout the year. Be sure to bookmark this page so that you can bake a Phanouropita (Phanourios Cake) and say a prayer to St. Phanourios when something goes missing at your house! Updated 8/25/24

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Icon of St. Phanourios with Phanouropita

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