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St. Herman of Alaska

St. Herman of Alaska

One of the most beloved saints in the United States, St. Herman arrived on the first missionary trip from Russia to North America. Settling in Alaska, he taught the Native peoples about Christ, helped them in their daily lives, and protected them from corrupt Russian traders. Many people in Alaska still have familial stories about the man they called "Aba" (grandfather) and his spirit is very present in the native communities. St. Herman is commemorated with two feast days: his repose on December 13 (NS)/26 (OS) and his Glorification on August 9 (NS)/July 27 (OS). Pray to God for us, St. Herman!



Glorification of Venerable Herman of Alaska from the OCA

Akathist to St. Herman of Alaska

St. Herman Pinterest Board from Parousia Press

Draw the Life of St. Herman from California Piligrim

Sacred Alaska film from Trikirion Films



St. Herman Sensory Bottles from Ascetic Life of Motherhood

St. Herman Festal Learning Basket from Charming the Birds from the Trees

Saints of North America Activity Book from the OCA 


Books & Gifts

Herman: A Wilderness Saint by Sergei Korsun

Father Herman: Alaska's Saint by F.A. Golder

St. Herman of Alaska: His Life and Service by St. Herman Brotherhood

Orthodox Alaska: A Theology of Mission by Fr. Michael Oleska

Supplicatory Service and Akathist to St. Herman of Alaska by Nun Christina

North Star: St. Herman of Alaska by Dorrie Papademetriou

The Tumbled Stone (about Alaskan Saints) from SVS Press

St. Herman of Alaska by S.A. Smith

Icon of St. Herman from St. Elizabeth's Convent

St. Herman Laser-Engraved Maple Clock from Draw Near Designs


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